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Circus In A Tea Cup

Supporting Survivors of Domestic Abuse

Help us turn $5,000 into $10,000 in June.
Thanks to the Australian Cultural Fund all donations made to the Circus in a Tea Cup 2024 before the end of June will be doubled!
Circus in a Tea Cup is a program of collaborations with survivors of domestic abuse to show true stories of recovery and triumph drawing on Vulcana's experience of creating transformative theatre. 
Vulcana is a community arts organisation, providing creative spaces for women, trans and non-binary gender people, marginalised communities and young people of all genders.
Circus in a Tea Cup 2024 will invite survivors of domestic abuse to collaborate and devise a unique performance, presented in the Cremorne Theatre during 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence.
Donations will contribute to artists fees, such as sound composition, video production and lighting design, to costuming for more participants, childcare, and the capacity to fly provided by circus rigging, all amplifying women's image-making. Donations will also contribute to documentation and researching out processes to create complimentary strategies for support organisations and advocate for change.
Donations must be made through the Australian Cultural Fund website:
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