Home for Good
Through centre-based support and assertive outreach, we continue to provide integrated and coordinated support for vulnerable individuals and families who are currently experiencing homelessness or are at-risk of homelessness in the greater Brisbane region.
Rough Sleeping
Rough sleeping has been on the rise in Brisbane, with tent hotspots of up to 75 tents popping up across the city.
In response, Micah Projects used Queensland Government Immediate Housing Response funding to help people experiencing homelessness access temporary accommodation. We engaged using the assertive outreach model at key rough sleeping hotspots and responding to community referrals.
Crisis Support
Key figures
7, 465 nights
of accommodation for individuals through Street to Home and the Home for Good Housing and Homelessness Hub

Our housing-first response means helping people to stay in temporary accommodation until long-term housing options become available. The housing shortage has meant many people are in motels for long periods, with 211 people being accommodated for less than a week, but in some cases with no long-term housing options on the horizon individuals have been stuck in motels long term.
Key figures
514 people
were supported by our teams into motel crisis accommodation
4 people
were stuck in motels for more than 100 days

# | Outcome |
2,097 | people in crisis were provided with planned support |
2,405 | instances of nursing support were provided for 155 people in an integrated support model |
1,902 | people supported through assertive outreach to streets, parks |
559 | housing applications were completed |
306 | support for people seeking crisis accommodation vacancies |
Key figures
5,503 people
presented to our service or an average of 22 per day
Making a Home
Key figures
238 households
were provided with furniture and essentials to set up secure homes
Key figures
97 families with 188 children, 121 individuals, and 13 couples
were supported to secure housing, despite the housing crisis
Keeping a Home
Key figures
589 people
with at-risk tenancies supported to keep their homes
This support resulted in better long-term outcomes.
# | Outcome |
287 | people had resolved their tenancy or been linked with ongoing support |
37 | people had become incarcerated or lost their tenancy |
265 | people we continue to support or have lost contact with |
Our 24-Hour Response
Our 24-hour response offers integrated health and homelessness support to people, providing a crisis response when most other services are closed.
We regularly visit homelessness hotspots and crisis motel accommodation after hours to provide support to vulnerable people.
We connect people with other after-hours emergency services, such as hospitals, police, the Homeless Hotline, domestic violence services, and after-hours child safety services.
Key figures
transports to safe accommodation or housing after hours
instances of nursing support for 94 vulnerable individuals
In 2023–24, we’ve seen and responded to a 65% increase in families experiencing homelessness in Brisbane.
As numbers have grown, we have noticed a strong intersection between homelessness, DFV, mental health and substance use, confirming the need for an integrated service response to reducing immediate and future homelessness. In response to the need, we have created a dedicated team to help families access temporary accommodation while we work with them towards securing safe, stable and sustainable housing.
In July 2022, we supported 21 families under IHRF and as of 30 September 2024, this has risen to 176.

Finding Housing
Our Families to Home and Targeted Family Support teams link families with necessary supports and identify appropriate referral pathways in response to their specific needs. As the availability of social housing is currently limited, we are exploring more options within the private rental sector, however this is proving challenging with increased rents.
Families To Home
The Families to Home team has consistently provided crisis accommodation for families experiencing homelessness throughout Brisbane.
The Families to Home team accommodates families in motels and provides ongoing, holistic support during their engagement with Micah Projects. Through assertive outreach, the team helps coordinate and advocate for safe and stable housing pathways.
# | Outcome |
479 | families supported by Families to Home (1,452 people) |
37 | children (0-5) |
548 | children (5-18) |
566 | adults (18+) |

Family to Home
A mother of four children engaged with our Families to Home team in February 2024 after losing her tenancy due to domestic and family violence (DFV). Micah Projects accommodated the family in motels for five months while providing targeted support for her mental health and DFV. In collaboration with the Queensland Department of Housing, Micah Projects secured a social housing property for the family and they moved into their new home in July 2024.
A Collaborative Response
The Families to Home team regularly coordinate with other internal and external stakeholders to bring services to families in motels, including:
- Working alongside Orange Sky to bring laundry services to two motels
- Engaging Micah’s Inclusive Health team to provide vaccinations through our Mobile Health Unit.
- Coordinating with the Department of Education to ensure children access schooling
- Regularly liaising with the Department of Housing and Community Housing providers.
Families in Hotels
# | Outcome |
50 | families in 2023 |
171 | families in 2024 |
82 | nights is the average length of stay in motels for a family |
A total of 168 families moved from temporary accommodation to stable housing
# | Outcome |
121 | Social housing |
24 | Private rental |
23 | CAP - Crisis Accommodation Program properties |
Targeted Family Support
Our Targeted Family Support (TFS) team works with families in motels who are at risk of child safety intervention.
They are uniquely positioned to provide intensive support with any child protection concerns and ensure wrap-around supports are established for both parents and children. The team works closely with Child Safety to strengthen family wellbeing and resilience. Many of these families have an open investigation and assessment with the Department of Child Safety.
# | Outcome |
44 | families supported by Target Family Support (150 people) |
38 | children (0-5) |
55 | children (5-18) |
57 | adults (18+) |
Micah Projects' Home For Good Service